
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A new website for dolls house collectors!

Ebay Australia seller kittymacdonald alerted me to a new website about vintage (and other) dolls houses: Dolls Houses Past and Present. It will have a free online quarterly magazine! as well as photo galleries, discussion forums, etc. Wonderful! Already there are many familiar names and faces.


  1. Thanks for telling, it's a great initiative!Now I have become a member, too!

  2. Hi Rebecca! Tonight I was looking for books by Mrs Cradock on the internet, and you know how it is, one thing leads to another, and I found myself looking for 'Triang Dolls houses' and I was very excited to find your blog, only to find you follow my blog! Ha ha its great the internet! Its actually 2.23am here in the UK and I must go to bed. so I wi look at your blog tomorrow and the dollshouses past and present. Did you find me on flickr?

  3. Hi redrickshaw,
    Yes, I did find you on flickr. I love your houses and stories, and I think I'll have to join flickr myself so I can follow you there! I found your blog by searching for Triang dolls houses too! I'm sure I'd searched on blogspot, but it was the google search that turned up your blog!!!
