
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

PI Angus Shand

As Pubdoll (very appropriately) pointed out, a Private Investigator must have whisky! PI Angus Shand agrees, and has stocked up with some fine Scottish whisky - Grants, Spey Royal and Old Fettercairn, to fortify himself before he goes out to follow up a new lead:

(It was through his choice of whisky that I learned this private investigator's name. My Shand ancestors came from Garmouth, in Speymouth parish, Moray, in Scotland, and later bought estates in Fettercairn parish, Kincardineshire. One, William Shand, patented improvements in the distillation of whisky, ca 1830s.)


  1. Really nice scene, I love the bottles, the yellow lamp and the typewriter!
    But just because I was the one pointing out his drinking problem, I won't be made responsible for causing them.

    I really liked the story of his/your ancestors!
    But if he's in need of villains to catch, I can give you one or two of my forefathers.

  2. Not at all, Helene, he needs no encouragement! As a Scot and a PI, how could he be any different?
    Hmm, shady ancestors? Yes, I have one or two of them too - only one convict, as far as I know!

  3. If you go back far enough I have both a tobacco smuggler, who became a spy against Sweden to avoid prosecution, a forefather who was convicted for "crimen bestialis" and Norway's most famous witch.
    I like the sound of shady Shand by the way:)

  4. how wonderful that William Shand contributed to Scottish culture by improving the distillation of whisky - an ancestor to be proud of!

    who chose Angus Shand's curtains? does he have a lady friend who helped him, or does he have a softer side under his hard-boiled PI exterior?

  5. Er - one aspect of William Shand to be proud of! I'm not proud of his defence of slavery :-(

    The curtains were already in the room when Angus Shand inspected it. His practice is not yet sufficiently large to justify the cost of new ones, and these do the job. (He is a Scot, after all.)

    Does he have a lady friend? I don't know - I haven't seen her yet, if he does!

  6. oh, no! I'm definitely not proud of his defence of slavery - had just forgotten that he was that William Shand. booo!

    yes indeed, very thrifty to leave the existing curtains there.

    I guess we'll just have to wait and see if any lady friend turns up...
