
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Carpets in the Swan House

Finally, new carpets have been laid in the Swan House! The Swan family were starting to think it would never happen. But now they've been able to move in the furniture they already possess, and think about what else they will need before they themselves can move in.

The dining table and chairs were a wedding present - they look very nice in the new spacious dining area.

The living room is starting to look more homely:

The bedrooms have beds and somewhere to keep clothes.

The bathroom looks good, with a Brio bathroom
intended for a Brio house on which the sale fell through:

The kitchen, however, still looks very bare:

The Swans aren't sure why there isn't even a sink in here - were all the kitchen fitments trashed by the previous owners? or did they intend to renovate, and didn't get past removing the old kitchen? Whatever the reason, the Swans need a functional kitchen before they can move in.

So, after taking a breather in the TV room off the balcony, they are off to Tim's Secondhand Shop to see what he can supply.

(Their carpet layer, Rebecca, has decided that she should not leave her current job to take up carpet laying. She would also appreciate suggestions from anybody who knows how to get photos lined up across the page, as hers will not stay where she tries to put them.)


  1. hi rebecca!
    first: I love most the children's chair in the empty kitchen and the dining-room furniture is so nice too.
    then: It took me nearly 5 minutes to understand your last sentence. I know each word, but????
    if you mean blogging two or three pictures side by side, I can help you, because I had this problem before and got help from the blogger-help:
    resize the fotos - not before uploading, but in the upload-window you can resize them too. in my blog it is perfect with the size 175 (one side).
    it's horrible to explain for me - please try and perhaps you know, what I mean.....

  2. Dear Oese,
    Thankyou! Yes, I mean two or three pictures side by side (that is what I meant by 'lined up across the page', which is maybe not very clear to English speakers either!)
    Thank you for your suggestion. I just tried it, and I see only 'small', 'medium' and 'large' sizes for the photos. I can also choose to have the photo on the left, in the middle, or on the right, or no format. Before I tried no format, which didn't work, and also left for one photo, right for the next (which doesn't really work either). Now I have tried left for both, and it works better. So I will try that for my next post, thank you very much!
    Thank you for explaining this in English - it is very clear, except that my upload window seems to be different from yours :-(

    I hope that soon the kitchen will not be empty!

  3. hi again,
    I understand your problem.
    I'll try better:
    when you have uploaded the pics they are shown in the upload window and you can put then left or right and so on. but you can also klick on it and then at the edges there are markers. when you go with the cursor to this markers, it will be seen an arrow with two arrowheads. now you can drag and the numbers will be shown. I discovered, that it was the best to drag untill one side is 175 "whatever).
    Then you can put them beside, but only in "no format".
    I will show this my daughter, so that she can laugh!

  4. btw: i love empty rooms. it's something special in it. while moving I love to be in the empty rooms and imagine, that there will be less furniture then before.
    but it stays to be a dream....

  5. Dear Oese,
    THANK YOU! It works! Your daughter should not laugh, because you have successfully told me in English how to do something, very clearly, so I could follow it! Now I hope my next post will look better, if I want to use small pictures.

    You make me more appreciative of the empty rooms, too! About 15 years ago I had a living room with a nice carpet, windows on 3 sides with nice curtains, and just a bookcase, low table, and a flat lounge/spare bed. It was lovely - often I sat on the floor, or on the bed. But now I'm older, I have more chairs! and also far more bookcases for all my books, and my dolls houses, and etc.
    Thanks again :-)

  6. Thank you very much for your commendation; I am proud now ;-)
    Wow, windows on 3 sides, that sounds wonderfull. I enjoy building my nearly-empty-rooms in the dollhouse.

  7. So nice to see the Swans have finally moved in! Nice touch with swans on the balcony too!
    I liked the carpets, especially the ones in the first bedroom. But I liked the floor and walls in the kitchen too! I hope the Swan family find something that fits the style.
    I had to laugh a bit when seeing the sideboard in the living room! I think I bid on that sideboard on ebay recently! So it was you who outbid me :-)

  8. Hello Helene! I hope you had a good holiday?
    I plead not guilty on the sideboard! I was the only one to bid on the one I bought, so got it for the grand sum of 95p. I have seen another one listed since then - I guess I was lucky to get mine so easily!
    Probably this weekend the Swans are going to Tim's Secondhand Shop, so I hope there'll be another instalment soon.

  9. Thanks for visiting my blog Rebecca. Yes, the cardboard house has lovely details & came with its own groovy card furniture too. I didn't sell it at Cobham.. so it is squeezed back into a corner again. I intend so post more piccies of dolls houses & related items. My bits & pieces are packed away at the moment as we are meant to be having work done in the house soon. Best wishes, Lizzie

  10. dear rebecca

    first of all thank you (belated) for your nice comment on my toy-blog. i still did not messure "villa annina & mara", sorry. that´s one of the points on my list. i think it´s 1:16 scale? the little erna meier boy is still taking a beauty rest. i washed his clothes and that´s it. i´m thinking about sewing some new clothes for him. but i have do sew so many things for the shop, he has to wait. he´s napping in a box with his caco-parents and all the hennig furniture, he came with. i photographed them for flickr... to be continued ;D

    your fantastic swan house looks more cozy now. i like the furniture you chose! the brio bath is soooo lovely - the style fits perfect! and the family is so wonderful. i´m absolutely in love with the baby - cuteness overload!!! i feel so well here at your blog, it´s a bit like holidays in a childhood-dream :) thanks for all the cute stories around the houses and all the great pictures!!!


  11. it's looking lovely!
    you probably need some smooth-edge for the carpet laying, but I doubt it's made in dolls' house size, although someone could make it - it's just a strip of wood that you nail to the floor around the edge of the room, which has nails sticking up out of it, that hold the carpet tight when you hook it onto the smooth-edge.
    once the Swans are all moved in, I'd love to come and visit them :-)

  12. Is that how you do it? Probably you can get it in dolls house scales, but I think the Swans will just have to try not to trip on the edges!
