
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Gerrit Rietveld Dolls House in the Brooklyn Museum

Daddytypes posted a couple of days ago about a wonderful dolls house built to plans by Rietveld (thanks, Greg). The dolls house is now in Brooklyn Museum, apparently - I wonder where the plans are?

See the Daddytypes blog post for the history of the house and another photo.


  1. Hi Rebecca! I wrote about this on my blog and got a response from someone who said that the museum was restoring it for display, here: Wonderful house, isn't it???

  2. I love this dollhouse. Makes me dream of a bigger flat with space to give a dollhouse a good place in good light and the possibility of "playing" on every side, not only on one :-(.
    This daddytype-blog is very interesting, I think, I will follow it too.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks, Callsmall! Don't know how I missed it on your blog, but I'll check it out now. I'm glad to hear it's being restored - and maybe one day I'll get to the museum and see it!

  4. Oh yes, Oese, wouldn't it be wonderful? Enough room to display them well and get at all sides easily. - You can do this for your dolls house dolls houses, probably!
    Daddytypes writes about many things, and I'm not interested in all the topics he covers - but he does often post about vintage toys, including dolls houses, and vintage children books, as well as vintage furniture for children. And he does a lot of research for his posts, so they are very interesting to read.

  5. Beautiful house, and I love the furniture I'm able to see in it as well! Thank you so much for sharing Rebecca!

  6. thank you for your comment on the blog, glad you like the china. I will share some of my other faves soon. I have found a box for the dolls house.. BUT need to check the pricing for you... Lizzie x

  7. Very interesting house, I like the fact it even has a garden out the front.
