
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tim at home (MA 15+, Contains scenes of nudity)

Tim has invited Johnno home to his bedsitter for a game of cards.

What's the design on his pack of cards?

Hmm, pin-ups! It seems that Tim is rather fond of images of women in bikinis (or less), as he has a few around the room, including his collection of lighters on the cabinet:

He also has a few men's magazines:

And what channels can he get on the TV?

Definitely adult only!

Tim's collection was inspired by a comment in a book about antique and vintage dolls houses and their furnishings. I cannot now remember which book, or who the author was, but she wondered whether all dolls house inhabitants would have been of such good character if, as well as The Times, the Bible and Punch magazine, they had had miniature Playboy magazines.

I think that erotica and pornography has probably always been made in miniature, as well as full size, but it was of course not intended for children.

All of my dolls houses were made for children to play with (and, in fact, have been played with by children!), and mostly I furnish and decorate them with pieces also made for children's play. I do use vintage buttons, jewellery, charms and other small items that were not originally made for dolls houses - but so have children done.

These miniatures, however - the mini lighters, the playing cards, the TV - were presumably made for adult men (or at least teenage boys). So they probably didn't often find their way into children's dolls houses. I found the mini cards on Australian ebay - the seller remembered "trying to get those tiny decks of nudie cards out of the claw machine at the funfair".

The TV is made in Hong Kong, and looks exactly the same as those which are souvenirs of Jersey, for example, or show fairy tales like Hansel and Gretel, as the one in the Bodensee house does:

(Tim's bedsitter is furnished with some Europa pieces, a ca 1960s Bodo Hennig bed/couch (and probably the wooden cabinet too), and a vinyl-covered sofa and armchair from the US (I don't know whether they're homemade or not). The room is 1960s German, and came with the room I have furnished with Dora Kuhn furniture. I made the miniature men's magazines myself, as I don't actually know of any vintage ones! As I don't have any 1960s pinup magazines (or any other vintage, come to that), they are composites of covers and centrefolds found on ebay, with entirely other images as back covers!)


  1. Ha, ha, I love this! I like when the miniature world gets real and not just a over-sweet facade. That's why Helmer has a Playboy magazine in his office shelf, but it's not vintage and isn't much more than a cover. But as far as I know, it's the only Playboy magazine in our house :-)
    I have a pub magazine with nice vespa posters with women in bikini, but some of them I have given to Actionman.

    Love the beadspread, the records, the leather sofa and chair and of course the lighter collection :-)

  2. I love this post - everything looks so real. I have the feeling to have been in such a bedsitter in my childhood. But I'm sure I wasn't.
    I learned the word bedsitter, cool! First when I started blogging and realized, that there is no german blogger, who loves modern and designer minis, I only watched the pics in your blog and others. Especially your stories was often to difficult for me to understand, because you have a special humour. But meanwhile I read all the english posts, even when I am tired or it is late. And it is so often intersting like this adult-story.

    Rebecca, I love the bed/couch. And the cabinet too - it so much the style I love. And it matches to a bedsitter so well. But what do the men drink while playing cards? Where is the beer? I have two bottles of "Hennig" beer in my dollhouse.

    Have a nice weekend!

  3. Thank you, Pubdoll - I don't think I have spotted Helmer's Playboy! Mmm, as far as you know;^) - maybe that's another reason these miniatures were made - easier for boys to hide from Mum!!!

  4. Thank you, Oese :-) Yes, I realised that I have no drinks for them :-( I want to get some beer, whiskey and coca cola so they have a good choice!
    You have a good weekend too - I hope you're feeling better!

  5. Cool realistic scene!

    I like the furniture, especially the leather chairs and the bedding! and I enjoyed reading your post, and the information you give about your miniatures!

    Its true that most dolls houses are geared towards children, and so they have always reflected what would be appropriate for them. But it is always nice to see true "real life" situations represented in miniature!

    well done :)

  6. Hi Rebecca! This is terrific! How creative you are and like someone before me's great to see something really "real"!! haha. I love your sense of humor. This entry has given me what I need to put one of my "Rated Mature/Sex" but actually it is done in the vain of "art"....I'll post it sometime soon. Keep up the fun. I can't imagine where you get all those mod style bits! Keep creating! Thanks...Louise

  7. Thank you, Natalie and Louise!
    Pretty well everything in here is from ebay. The bedding is original, attached to the bed - and I was thrilled to see how well it matched the curtains, which came attached to the room.
    The only things that aren't from ebay are the images I found on the internet, and two of 1950s Australian travel posters, which are from the catalogue of an exhibition of these posters which I went to a few years ago. I've put some in other dolls houses too!
    Look forward to seeing your MA scene, Louise!
