
Sunday, November 1, 2009

A tree house

A year or two ago, while I was staying with my mother, we were walking up the main street of her town and went past a children's clothing and toy shop which was closing. In the window was this tree house. It was on sale, and we went in to have a closer look. We both liked it, so Mum said she would buy it for me.

I could have packed it to freight up to Darwin, but in fact it is still sitting in my mother's living room - she loves it, with all the little people who now inhabit it.

Right at the top lives a family of owls. There are three youngsters, and Papa Owl is giving two of them a flying lesson. The one in the yellow jacket tried perching right on top of the tree trunk, where the branches fan out, but couldn't keep his balance yet and kept falling off (to save his dignity, I did not photograph his falls).
(These chairs and tables came with the house.)

One floor down lives a family of squirrels. Mama Squirrel is very proud of her cosy floor rug, although it does show a common grey squirrel, and she and her family are proud to be red squirrels.
The squirrel children have invited some friends up, and luckily they have a hoist for those who can't climb.

On the ground floor, under the tree trunk, live the Badger and Rabbit families.

Mrs Badger and Mrs Squirrel are chatting inside, while their babies sleep.

(The wooden bed here also came with the house. The chairs and table at which Mrs Badger and Mrs Squirrel are sitting are ebay finds, along with the squirrels' chairs and sofa. I have no idea who made them, but the legs of the furniture look so like animals I had to put them in here.)

The squirrel children are encouraging their friends to come up. Little Miss Rabbit is being pulled up in the hoist; little Miss Squirrel is trying to persuade Master Badger to climb!

The animals are all Sylvanians, except for one rabbit visitor. I'm sure I'll have fun looking out for more furnishings and accessories for this house (and making bedding and cushions - one day, maybe!).


  1. HI...what a fun house--a tree house--which always makes one's imagination swirl! I have pieces to the Sylvanian for sale along with furniture, etc. If you'd like I will hunt it up as it is in storage and send some pictures. Just let me know if you're interested. I'm in California, USA but the items are not heavy. I know I have a "school" outdoor scene with log style table, stump seats, a small tree that holds the chalk board; I have a "log" playground and a few bits of furniture and two animal families. Very fun...thanks for sharing it! Louise

  2. Hi Rebecca, what a coincidence! I am just back from a library with a book on Treehouses. It has now been added to my long list of mini house to build :).

  3. Dieses Baumhaus ist wundervoll, Rebecca.
    Wie schön, dass es bei deiner Mutter steht. Ich freue mich für Euch beide!

  4. What a cute tree house, and so nice it's your mother who has it, seems the miniature interest runs in the family!
    My children are so lucky to have a tree house in our garden which their grandfather built for them, but it's not as big as this one! (at least when adjusted for scale)
    Love the Sylvanian animals, they're so cute! I've been drooling over them in toy shops, but until now I have restrained myself to just buying some of their accessories for my daughter.
    The round table with the animal like legs seems as if it was made to be in this house!
    Animal looking furniture, what a fun theme to collect :-)

  5. Wow a tree house is such an interesting project to consider, and you are lucky you didn't even need to build this one.

    It sounds like you mum won't be giving it to you yet, maybe buying it for you but keeping it at her home is her way of collecting miniatures - I can identify with that as I get plenty of enjoyment from my elder daughter's dollshouse which I helped build (as well as my own of course).

  6. Thanks, Louise! The Sylvanian pieces you have sound lovely, but please don't get them out of storage yet - as I said, this house is at my mother's place, so I don't get to add things to it very often - and really should be buying Christmas presents in the next month, not minis for myself!!! So maybe next year :-) Sylvanians are very popular here in Australia - I found all these animals on Australian ebay, and the furniture comes up too sometimes. Thanks again! Rebecca

  7. Hi Sans, I would love to see a tree house designed and built by you! This one is really very simple - it would be possible to make a much more realistic tree. Now I'm starting to think about what species of tree it would be nice to have a tree house in!

  8. Liebe Ōse, danke schön! Ja, meine Mutter hat es sehr gern, und ich habe wenig Platz bei mir :-)

  9. Hi Pubdoll, your kids are lucky indeed! We had a tree we could climb, but not a tree house - it would be a great place to play.
    I don't think Mum is really into miniatures as such, but since her stroke, she enjoys looking at things like birds and leaves outside the window, watching children's movies (and some adult ones, but not with complicated plots), and picking up leaves, pebbles and so on from the ground. She found the plastic rabbit somewhere, and another plastic animal which is in her kitchen, I think. So she stopped saying "You'll pack it up to take it to Darwin" and started saying "I like it too much to send it up to you"! I don't mind at all - she has more room for it!!

  10. Thanks, DollMum - I wasn't thinking of a tree house at all until we saw this one in the shop window! But it certainly was fun getting the animals to live there.
    Will you have your dolls house out of storage soon, do you think? I hope it's a good thing for you that your house is off the market for a while? Hopefully the UK economy will pick up and you'll get a better price for it later :-)
