
Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010 - a new decade begins

Happy New Year! Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr! Bonne Année! Godt nyttår! Feliz Año Nuevo!

I hope you all had a very happy New Year's Eve celebration. I spent the evening quietly at home with my mother and sister (and two playful kittens!), watching the fireworks on TV, and listening to them all around us.

I am looking forward to another year of sharing my collections with other collectors and minaturists. In the last year, I have met more collectors of dolls houses through blogs, through facebook, flickr and the Dolls House Past & Present website, than I had in my whole life! My life has become much richer through contact with you all, enjoying your collections, your creativity and inspirations and knowledge. I love being part of this network - so here's to lots more blogging in 2010!

(As I am away from home, I don't have any dolls or dolls houses to share this time - so here are the fireworks on Sydney Harbour instead!)


  1. Godt Nyttår to you and your family Rebecca!
    How is 2010 so far? Is it worth all the fuzz?

    The four of us will have a quiet evening here, but I think there will be a little party in he pub :-)

    Thank you for being part of the doll's house network, I'm always enjoying your posts and am waiting eagerly for your comments to mine!

  2. Happy New year Rebecca :-)
    I look forward to your posts in the new year, you have always been a great source of "mini" information :-)

  3. Thanks for sharing New Years with us over here! I look forward to learning and enjoying with your blog this coming year. Cheers!

  4. hats off to everything you just said, rebecca.i agree, wholeheartedly!!! i was babysitting,(the price you pay for the joy of being a nanna) so i also watched the fireworks on tele. aussies never do things by half and the crowd loved it!! lets all wish for this year to be as happy and fortunate as the one just past....XXXXX

  5. It is only 4:16 PM here in Northern California so too early to open the champagne! Funny, this year it's Italian! Babysitting too and giving fashion advice as my daughter gets dressed!

    Here's to the best year ever! Happy new blogging!

  6. Happy New Year Rebecca, and thank you for your 'mini' information and encouragement during 2009. I agree with you about meeting so many miniaturists via the online world and how it enriches life - I'm looking forward to more during 2010.

  7. A happy 2010 to you Rebecca! I echo your sentiments about the networking created by so many dollhouse enthusiasts. I remember how delighted I was to discover your blog and to find there were others worldwide that share my fascination with little houses. Thanks for your encouraging words this year...I am looking forward to many enjoyable blogs from Rebecca's Collections in 2010!

  8. Ein frohes Neues Jahr! Alles gute für dein Berufsleben und wundervolles Hobby, mit dem du uns viel Freude machst!

  9. dear rebecca,

    ich wünsche dir und deiner familie auch ein frohes neues jahr! the firework is amazing - wow!!

    and i´m really happy we will read and see a lot more about/from your collection! the bloggerworld & internet is a great place to find people with the same interests and i´m very happy i found you - or did you find me?! ;D

    best wishes for the new year (again in english), yours nicola

  10. Thank you all for your comments and wishes - I hope 2010 is good for all of us, and look forward to sharing our hobby :-)
