
Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Sunshine Award

Recently, I have received the Sunshine Award from Florine at My Vintage Dollhouses and Other Treasures, and from Carol at My Realitty. Thank you both!

I am supposed to pass it on to 6 other bloggers who bring sunshine to my life. Well, you know I'm not very good at sticking to rules!
The other day in the library at my new office, I found a book called The Australian Home Beautiful, which has lots and lots of photos from the magazine of the same name. Wow! My eyes certainly lit up when I saw the book - so many genuine, contemporary photos of homes and furnishings in Australia over the last 80 years. So, instead of just passing this award on (though you're very welcome to take it - it's a lovely flower!) I've chosen a photo for each of 6 new bloggers and 6 old friends.
I hope you will like the sunshine and flowers I've chosen for you!

For Louise of Grandma's Attic - Toys and Treasures, flowers in a dining room of 1930:

For Oese of Raum für Raum, flowers and a sun-like mirror in a 1936 living/dining room:

For Florine of My Vintage Dollhouses and Other Treasures (who said we can't give an award back to the person we received it from?!?), a sunny 1930s bathroom:

For Amy, of Amy's Miniatures and Smalls, an advertisment from the 1940s, because it was her husband who gave her her Lundby house for Christmas:

(But I think her husband is not hamfisted like this one: the ad ends: "You can be sure it's a Pyrex household!")

For Troy of Tulsa Tiny Stuff, flowers over a 1942 fireplace:

For Daniel of, a wartime (1940s) bedroom with a doll and a stuffed dog:

For Helene of Pubdolls, flowers over a fireplace as dreamed of by stylists during WW2:

For Carol, of My Realitty, a car for a lady driver of 1950! (Wonder what Colette would think of the matching car, hairdo and outfit?)

For Pandora, of SmallStuff Miniatures, a yellow sink from the 1950s! I've sometimes wondered about the brightly coloured plastic and metal dolls house kitchen appliances - well, it seems that you really could get a sink in Primrose Yellow, blue, pink, aqua, green, etc! I don't remember ever seeing one - I wonder if they weren't very popular, or didn't last long - or were just seen as very dated by the 60s and 70s, and replaced as soon as possible?

For Nicola of Püppilottchen's Toy Blog, a lifesize 1970s flowery sofa and chairs, just like her dolls'!

For Diepuppenstubensammlerin, who shares my love of Erna Meyer dolls and shares her amazing info about German makers like Erna Meyer, Bodo Hennig and VERO, flowers in a 1970s bathroom!

For The Shopping Sherpa, who, as well as her blog, has just taken on managing Dolls Houses Past and Present, some sunny cushions in a bedroom she might like:

Thank you all, and all the other blogs I read and follow, for brightening my life :-)


  1. It is such a nice fotograph you chose for me, Rebecca. Thank you very much. You are bringing sunshine to my life too.
    I enjoyed the other fotographs too, and I think they are very good chosen, belonging to the persons. Especially the foto for Nicola is a scream! Wonderful!

  2. Thank you Rebecca, I absolutely love the style of the interior in the photo you chose for me, but you knew that already didn't you ;) You really have found suitable photos for all of us! (And in my real home we have a new kitchen lamp that looks almost spot on like the lamp reflected in the mirror over the 1942's fireplace for Troy :-))
    As you know I don't take part in these award games, but if I were, I would pass them all on to you, you bring so much sunshine to my life as well!

  3. I'd say very apt photos for all these blogger friends! I especially love the 70s bath, and the Deco fireplace. Oese's stairwell is wonderful as well. Very thoughtful!

  4. I'm so pleased you like it, Oese! I hope Nicola likes hers too :-)

  5. Big THANKS to you. AAAaaawww! I saw my name and got giggly all over. I can't wait to show hubby his new photo. It is so nice to be mentioned. Your thoughtfulness in passing on the award is simply outstanding. So creative... I love all the photos. Plus I found a couple new blogs to browse. Thanks for making me smile.

  6. Thank you, Pubdoll, that is so sweet! Yes, I hoped that you and your dolls, especially Karl Edo and Polly Line, would like that style :-) And wow, that 1942 lamp was really modern, wasn't it?

  7. Thanks, Callsmall! I thought of you a lot too, looking through the book - there are some fantastic modern houses from the 50s and 60s in it - I really should have just put as many photos as I wanted, for all the friends whose blogs make me smile - yours definitely does, as you know :-) Glad you enjoy the others' photos too.

  8. Glad you like it, Amy, and I hope hubby does too - especially the yellow apron ;-)
    I always enjoy finding new blogs - usually through other bloggers' links and comments - what a great network we're part of!

  9. Thanks Rebecca:although I'm not too sure about all that yellow... ;-)

  10. Thank you Rebecca! Your awards are as unique as your blog...and well thought out! I love the sunny bathroom pic, as the bath fixtures are just like the green Strombecker fixtures in one of my first blogs...I guess it wasn't just a marketing ploy on the part of Strombecker. :)
    Your blog is tops in my book...and if I had a library near my office, I know where my co-workers could find me!

  11. Hubby Loved the photo and awared so very, very much. I showed him your post and said to keep reading. When he saw me (really US) he started laughing so hard. He told me to tell you he really liked the ruffles on the apron. He is a professional chef and a fabulous cook. Long ago he would clean up. Now either I do or we both do. You really made our day.

  12. Dear, Rebecca, many thanks for remembering me, I liked all photos very much, fantastic nostalgic atmosphere which one would like to create in a dollhouse, too.

  13. thank you very much for the nice award!! and i´m so sorry i didn´t recognize it earlier. i love the picture. i think you also did a great job and gave the award to all the bloggers i would have chosen too ;D so i´m out of work... ich bin nicht so der award-typ, also bitte nicht böse sein wenn ich da vielleicht nicht mitmache.

