
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St Patrick's Day

For those who are Irish, or have Irish ancestry, today is celebrated as St Patrick's Day.

My only Irish ancestors (that I know of) are my great-great-great-great-grandparents John and Clotilda Smith, who emigrated from Ireland to the United States in about the 1820s. I don't know much about where they came from - try finding a John Smith in any country! - although I have discovered that the information my Californian great-grandmother recorded in a book that her father was given by his grandmother was not correct. It seems that Clotilda Smith came from County Sligo, not County Cork (and her maiden name was Elliot, which should be a bit easier to trace than Smith).

Anyway, St Patrick's Day seems like a good time to show this little Erna Meyer doll, still in his original packaging. He looks like a leprechaun to me, dressed in his orange cap and cape, green outfit and brown boots - and I think he is carrying a bag of gold!!!

Perhaps he was made as a decoration, as he has a string loop attached to his back.

The back of the packet shows the name of the original seller, Georg Fleisswolf of Rothenburg, the doll's number, 635, and the original price - 6.50 DM.

Happy St Patrick's Day - and happy day whenever you read this!


  1. Well it's still Tuesday but I do need to make my plans for tomorrow. St. Patrick's Day. What a cute little doll. Hmmm do I own green clothes? Erin go brah. CM

  2. Dear Rebecca,
    Erna Meyer made a lot of Theme-dolls, one series featured fairy-tales characters. I think your wonderful doll could be a Rumpelstilzchen, Rumpelstiltskin, or any other Zwerg, dwarf, from the many fairy-tales... I will keep my eyes open. Lately I identified a very damaged colourful Erna-Meyer doll of mine to be the Pied Piper of Hamelin...

  3. what a gorgeous little chap!! he looks like he could get up to all sorts of mischief!! hide the guiness.....

  4. Hi CM, it's the middle of Wednesday here!

    Hi diepuppenstubensammlerin, yes, I wondered if he was intended to be another character. In fact, leprechauns nowadays are shown all in green, and traditionally wore red and/or green, not orange. Perhaps he's from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, or, as you suggest, Rumpelstiltskin, who could spin straw into gold. I'd love to know if you do identify him - and meanwhile, I think he makes a pretty good leprechaun too :-)

  5. Dear Rebecca

    I´m sure he´s carrying a bag of gold! :) What a cute little fellow! Happy Saint Patricksday to you, too! So interesting to know something about the ancestors from 1820!


  6. Gee Rebecca there are probably 6 John Smith's just on my block. I love your passion for history and being so accurate. Super cute little doll whoever he is. Maybe he has real gold in that there bag. Happy Day to YOU!

  7. Whomever he is, he's bringing a little St. Paddy's day cheer to your followers!
