
Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Easter!

I wish all my blog friends and readers who celebrate Easter a very happy one!


  1. This is such a cute foto. Who made this little bunny and bear?
    Happy Easter to you too!

  2. Thank you, Oese! I'm not sure who made them. I have some little dolls too, the same size, with crochet clothes and bodies but cloth faces - I think they are Japanese.
    Happy Easter!

  3. Happy Easter Rebecca, what a cute scene, I love the dolls!
    I'm busy these days being responsible for all the Easter singing in the church, but Mari and Bendik are pushing me to post an Easter scene on my blog too, so we'll see what I manage :-)

  4. May the Easter Bunny (whoever he is) bring you extra smiles this weekend.

  5. Happy Easter to you too Rebecca, hugs

  6. Dear Rebecca

    I´m wishing you and your family some happy easter days, too!

    I wrote (a bit belated) underneath the "ten facts about me" post, an answer to the shoulder-prob. I don´t know if you noticed it - thanks for asking and the good wishes! :)

    Hugs, Nicola

  7. Happy Easter. Spring is the time for new beginnings and growth. Hooray for the end of Winter. Cheers! Carol

  8. and a happy Easter to you, too! Your basket of flowers looks like the breath of Spring...for us in the Northern hemisphere anyway!

  9. @ Pubdoll, Happy Easter! I hope your Easter singing went well and that you had some rest and fun time too! You seem to have lots of responsibility in your life at the moment - very nice that your skills are recognised, and I hope you have time to relax too :-)

    @ Amy, thank you, the Easter Bunny was alive and well on many blog and flickr friends' sites this year, so I had lots of smiles - hope you did too!

    @ Paky, thankyou! hugs back :-)

    @ dear Nicola, thank you! It's been a pleasant Easter for all of us, I hope for you too. Yes, I did see your reply about the shoulder problem, and I read in your other blog too. It sounds very painful, and I hope you find something that helps :-)

    @ Carol, hooray for the end of winter indeed! Here it's still the wet season, but soon lots of gums and wattles will be flowering at the start of the dry season - it's a lovely time when everything is still green and there is still water in the billabongs :-)

    @ Florine, thank you, hope you had a good Easter too. I'm not too good at mentioning sources - the basket of flowers is on a German Easter card from, I think, the early 1980s, and the penfriend who sent it to me said "wir haben ganz schönes Frühlingswetter und alles blüht!" - we're having lovely spring weather and everything is blooming! So a genuine breath of northern spring - and the flowery pillow is vintage German too :-)

  10. Hi Rebecca. Thanks for the comments on my blog. I appreciate it! Please check again soon because Marta did not forget or neglect Signe. She gets some special rooms too. Hope you have a lovely, lovely day dear.
