
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dolls House Eggs, Sunny Side Up!

I received my copy of The Doll Family (as blogged about by CallSmall and Diepuppenstubensammlerin) recently. It's great - I love its comments on the doll world!

Father Doll likes his eggs "sunny-side up." Mother makes them just right, never breaking the yolks. Of course, that's easy to do with doll-house eggs!

I collected up the eggs from my dolls houses. My dolls are not very well supplied with eggs! They have more cake and tea than eggs, poor things!

There are 1/16th scale eggs from the Swans' Deluxe Caroline's Home, and very large fried bacon, egg and tomatoes on toast (1 5/8" long) from the Californian bungalow style house.

The boiled eggs in eggcups and the eggs in a bowl (hugely different in scale - the eggs in the eggcups are almost an inch tall, compared to just over quarter of an inch for the eggs in the bowl!) are from the Triang 52. I haven't yet put the two fried eggs (1 1/2" long) in a house - I wonder which the lucky dolls will be? And I'd better add eggs to the dolls house shopping list!


  1. Good idea, Rebecca. We never have enough food in our dollshouses, as if the previous owners had eaten all , what was in the fridge.

  2. so many miniature eggs - amazing! They must be a typical english/american/australian element of breakfast because I can't remember having eggs in my doll's homes...

  3. i love eggs, even the table and chairs look like eggs !! cute....

  4. I love all of your eggs! And they look especially good on the Fisher Price table :) So glad you got the book -- I hope it met your expectations!

  5. Miniature food is so captivating, from rement back to plaster cakes. There is just something so fun about it.Love all the eggs. CM

  6. Thank you all for your comments.

    Bea, yes - or the dolls never go shopping! But they don't always have shops - or in my case, my grocery shop (which I haven't yet shown) has - guess what? tea and cakes! And a few other things too, but no eggs (so far). I shall have to remedy that!

    Yes, diepuppenstubensammlerin, eggs are a very typical part of our breakfast - boiled, fried, poached, scrambled, or in an omelette, sometimes alone, or with toast, or bacon and eggs, or bacon, sausage, tomato and eggs! Perhaps not quite so much these days - but egg and lettuce sandwiches are popular for lunch, and quiche for lunch or dinner - and eggs are also used a lot in cooking - sponge cakes, meringues, etc. So it's good to have eggs in the dolls house too. German dolls houses and shops probably have more kinds of sausage than we would - and the packaged goods differ between the US and Britain/Australia, as well as from Germany!

  7. Hi Christine, they do, don't they? I found them when I was looking for eggs, and thought they'd be good - such an egg yolk colour, as well as an egg shape!

    Thanks, Callsmall - I love the book, the pictures as well as the story, with its asides to the child reader/hearer. I don't have an egg side table as you do - but realised how much the Fisher Price table and chairs look like eggs!

    Hi CM, it is fascinating, isn't it? The vintage pieces are a reminder of the traditional kinds of meals we used to eat, and the Rement pieces show modern, multicultural cuisines. I don't have much rement yet, and no food - maybe one day!

  8. I have a little clear box with a tiny basket of cherries, and cherry-related products like cordial and jam. Now I want eggs...

  9. Oh yum! Now I want cherries! What a good idea for a fruit-related post!

  10. I don't know how many times I have looked at this posting and everytime I get "hongry" for breakfast! And your answer to diepuppenstuebensammlerin made me wish I had someone to cook for me. I also feel bad for my little peeps because they usually have empty plates. :(
    Thank you for not having "grits" on your little plates (yes, a new word for you to look up!)I may be from the US south, but I don't like grits!

  11. Love the set on the painted tray. I have never seen this before, so thank you for sharing.
