
Friday, July 30, 2010

In which I become an internationally exhibited photographer ...

in the miniature world of dolls house bloggers!

Rory Hill, a successful accountant in Houston, Texas, recently moved out of his mother's house at the age of 37. His new bachelor pad, a mid-century modern Schönherr bungalow, is the subject of a recent spread in the Houston publication My Vintage Dollhouses.

Looking for just the right art work to compliment his "new" furniture, Rory visited a couple of his favorite galleries, Nau-Haus and John Cleary. Finally, in a small gallery in his new neighborhood [Rice Village , north of Rice university], he discovered several prints he thought would be perfect for his new space. The prints were listed by Australian photographer Rebecca Green, but no titles were given. ...For now he decided to refer to them as Table Tops and Stacked Tables.

I was thrilled to see that not only have I made my first international sales*, but they have been featured in this wonderful publication!

The prints that Rory Hill chose were originally published here as part of my study exploring differences of scale. I'm delighted that Rory gets such enjoyment out of them! And I like his names - I would probably have called them something like Tables Scales I and Table Scales II. Thank you, Rory - you have given me great encouragement, and I wish you all the best in your new home.

*The author of the spread on Rory's Schönherr bungalow informed me that "Rory said he is sure the check is in the mail....;)". I didn't ask which postal service he used!


  1. Love it! You are a true artist!!! CM

  2. Great love love love love it! You really need to get busy with your camera...I have lots of dollhouses that need artwork!
    Rory was mum on what postal service he used, sorry! He is now watching Pubdolls blog with me as he hopes to learn to party like Karl Edo... :)

  3. I saw the post at Florine's blog and they looked so great as posters there! You really are an artist! Going back to your post and reading the comments I could see that Florence saw the art potential at once. Some have a better eye for good art than the rest of us it seems :-) I reckon you can stop working as a linguist soon and be a full time photo artist instead!

    And I prefer your titles for them, they sound really "art galleryish" :-)

  4. Thanks, Florine, glad you like it! I just love the richness of colour in Rory's living room, so I'm glad of an excuse to have your photos on my blog! ;-)
    Don't hold your breath for more photos, sorry - I'll have to wait for the muse to strike again!
    (And while I'm sure Rory could learn a lot from how Karl Edo organised his party, he could also learn from Karl Edo's omissions - namely, forgetting to make the bathroom usable! Although, I don't think Rory has a bathroom at all, does he?)

  5. Thanks, Helene! I don't think I'll be giving up my day job for photography just yet - that check still hasn't reached me!!
    Yes, the titles I might have given them do sound very "art galleryish" - very bland and meaningless! Perhaps more authentic, but I do like Florine's "Table Tops" and "Stacked Tables" much better - and the other one could be "Nesting Tables". They sound much friendlier names, I think.

  6. Thank you, Natalie! I think it's very clever of Florine to put together a room in which the colours in my tables (chosen more for their size than their colour) match so perfectly with the colours of the furniture and flooring, as well as their style. Brilliant indeed!

  7. What excellent taste in art. :) You certainly have what is known as a 'trained' eye.

  8. Rebecca, thank you again for allowing me to use your wonderful artwork in Rory's house...they were exactly what this room needed!
    Rory has been walking around mumbling something about "U.S. Dolly Mail" and probably looking for his bathroom....
