
Thursday, January 27, 2011

101 Followers! Giveaway!

Dear blog followers, readers, lurkers, visitors and especially fellow bloggers, I am delighted to have passed 100 followers! And I'm a little ashamed that this milestone comes when I have not been keeping up with all of your blogs. I shall try to catch up, now I'm home and over the first week back at work ....

To celebrate having so many followers, I have a little giveaway. Longtime readers of my blog know that my favourite dolls house dolls are by Erna Meyer - they live in lots of my houses, and I have so many that quite a few live in a large box (a special one for conserving textiles). Among the box-dwellers are some old store stock dolls which I bought in a live online auction some time ago. Because they're old store stock, there are quite a few duplicates, and I would like one family to have a new home with one of my followers.

If you are one of my followers, and you would like a chance to win this family, please leave a comment saying so below. (If you want to comment but don't want to go in the draw, just let me know - I will enter the total number of people who want them into a random integer generator, so I just need to be able to distinguish between people who'd like to have them and people who just want to leave a nice comment ;-) Thought I'd mention that, as I don't always comment on giveaway posts - but now I've used, I know it works on a number, not the actual comments.)

Please note that ONLY the dolls are included in the giveaway - the red leather Lundby lounge is NOT included, it's just so they didn't all have to stand up. It also gives you an idea of their scale: the adults are about 12.5 cm tall (5 inches, or just a little less if their hair wasn't so fly-away), the boy is 8.5 cm (about 3 1/4 inches) and the girl is 8 cm (3 1/8 inches).

Here is Mrs Meyer's twin sister in my 1960s Lundby house:

So, a big welcome to my new followers, and big hugs and thanks for your support to my fellow bloggers over the past couple of years! Good luck in the draw :-)

MORE INFO: I forgot to say when the draw would close! Please leave a note by the end of Wednesday 2nd February if you would like to enter.

Also, some collectors who are followers here usually read my posts on facebook, and they have left comments there. I will include them in the draw (I did just say 'below') - all entrants will be numbered following the order in which you commented (I have the exact date and time of each comment, so that's easy!), and I'll enter the total number into the random integer generator.


  1. I love these dolls! They are so cute and I am just now discovering them. I am refinishing an old dollhouse and they would be the perfect family to move in!
    And I see that I am the first to comment so maybe I will win!

  2. Congratulations on your 101 followers Rebecca! I am one of your followers and I'd like to enter the draw.

  3. I love Erna Meyer dolls too! I do I do...
    and I am very much enjoying your blog - Thanks for providing inspiration!

  4. What a lovely dolls! Please count me in the draw.
    thank you and congratulations.

  5. HI Rebecca. I love your blog and all the information you provide. I would love to have these dolls live at my house. Please include me in the draw.


  6. I saw your Dora Kuhn collection from a post you
    submitted in 2009. I have acquired many of the
    pieces of furniture and am trying to find
    approximate worth to sell. Thank You Judy

  7. Hi Rebecca, 100 followers - wow.

    I have a feeling that the earliest family I remember in the Triang house might have been Erna Meyer dolls, though I may be wrong. Sadly that little family suffered from 2 very small enthusiastic owners and like the plastic grand piano didn't survive long.

    I'd like to be in the draw too, though posting them from Australia to the UK would be a long journey for them.

    Best wishes


  8. Congrats Rebecca on 100! Your blog is so special. Of course these fine little folks could come and live with me. I am sure they would get along good with all the Lundbys and I am sure I will have plently of room for them. Maybe even have to get another house. You are so kind to have this giveaway. Of course I love the Lundby sofa too and understand it is not included. Thanks for using it so we can see the scale. You are awesome for doing this. Hugs, Amy

  9. Hola Rebeca!! Yo hoy he llegado a mis 100 seguidores, en breve publicaré un sorteo en mi blog. Espero que te apuntes, a mi me gustaria participar en el tuyo. Gracias por compartir el evento y Felicidades por tu 101 seguidores!! Saludos.

  10. rebeca tiens una web preciosa, me encantan tus muñecos

  11. Felicidades por tus cien seguidores, seguro que serán dentro de poco muchos más, gracias por tu generosidad, me encantan las muñecas, así que me apunto.

  12. Hello Rebeca: Congratulations on your 100 followers!!!
    I would like to join in your giveaway, thanks. This family is lovely.
    I advertise in my blog your giveaway.

  13. Hi Rebecca, Congratulations on your 101 followers :~D

    Even though I love your dolls (and will regret this) don't include me in the giveaway - I would be so sorry to have the family move from a box at your house to a lesser box at my house when they need a home which it sounds like a few here could provide. :~)

  14. Thank you Rebecca for visiting my blog. It's so good to hear from you :).

    CONGRATULATIONS! On your 107 followers :)

    If I win these dolls, I will create a modern roombox just for them. It will be a challenge and I think unlikely, that I will win. :):):)

    Thank you anyway for the opportunity!

  15. Me han encantado, por favor apuntame al sorteo de esos muñecos, me encantaria tenerlos, muchos besos.

  16. CONGRATS, dear Rebecca! 100 followers, wow!!

    I hope i´m not to late for the little give away :) I would love the family for one of my houses! Here in Germany we still have the 02.02. and it´s 23:20... Time to go to bed ;D

    Hugs & good night, Nicola
