
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Diva's Rose Seidler in the SMH - and at Rose Seidler House!

I'm sure The Shopping Sherpa will post about this, but checking the Sydney Morning Herald website tonight, I was so excited to see her friend Diva's model of the Rose Seidler House featured! And the model is actually at the Rose Seidler House for its Open Day this Sunday! Anyone in Sydney, try to go if you can - the house is fantastic, the model looks fantastic too, and to see one in the other - wow!


  1. I REALLY want to know if she mad the furniture too! C

  2. Gosh darn it, I'd love to see this, also wanted to go to see the Chinese terracotta warriors at the NSW Art Gallery today but if I keep feeling like I do at the moment I'll just be staying home :(

    Thanks for your note on my blog Rebecca. Re my degree, I have just 2 more Linguistics subjects to do to complete the requirements to start Honours next year. Hope I'm well enough to do both next semester and get back on track.

  3. I forgot to mention - please email me about the Sydney Fair in May, I'll definately be going but don't have a time planned yet. There is an email link on the side bar of my blog :) Would love to meet up!!

  4. Wish they had more pictures! This is too cool!

  5. Hi Ann, isn't it? For more photos, check out the links to The Shopping Sherpa's blog (click "her friend Diva's" and "the model"). She has photos of the model in its early stages of construction, and more when it was exhibited at the Sydney Miniatures Fair :-)

  6. THANK-You so very, very much Rebecca. The Meyer Family has opened a new barber/beauty shop in Peepville. (On my blog today.) I've got lots of catching up to do in blogger land. I am so thrilled to own Earl, Ermie, Emma and Ernie Meyer. They are happy, happy little peeps. Hugs, Amy

    Open Letter to all my Blogger Buddies,
    So sorry for my absence recently. I am finally back to work after almost 2 years. The time off has been great fun being a doll house mom and an exceptional wife but the Good Lord has blessed me with a great job that has been consuming my time and I certainly need the funds. I appreciate all of you, your sharing, your comments and your friendship so very much. I’m not disappearing or anything, I just wanted you to know. Best to YOU!
