
Sunday, May 27, 2012

My Buys at the Fair

There weren't many stands with vintage pieces (apart from Anna-Maria's), and you had to look hard. I found it much easier when the crowds had thinned out on the afternoon of the first day. All of the dolls in the photo above were on Robyn's Mini Dolls' stand. The solid wooden furniture, and the Fairylite bath, are from Anna-Maria. (The books and stationery are modern reproductions - two from The Miniature Supermarket, and two from Michelle's Minatures (no website; her email is

Aren't they cute? Both of these bisque dolls were on Robyn's Mini Dolls' stand. What first drew my attention to her stand was this set of folding furniture, which was in a box labelled '1900-1910 German Folding Dollhouse Furniture'.

I'm not sure if it is German - Patent No. 43297 is stamped on the back of all the pieces - but it's definitely old, and very ingenious.

And it led me to look more closely at the rest of her offerings. The two little bisques were on display:

They are wearing their original clothes, with 'Made in Japan' labels sewn on. You can also just see the 'Foreign' stamp on the back of the one on the left.

I bought this playground equipment from Anna-Maria:

These dolls are very small - these ones are tiny!

A kewpie and two other celluloid dolls with marcella waves, all from Robyn's stand. Having tried to put the dolls on the seesaw, I realise that the ones I've actually played on have bars at the front, not the back, so you don't slide down when your end goes up!

As I was showing interest in vintage dolls and furniture, Robyn drew my attention to this doll, which was on the stand - with the side of the box facing the front of the stand!

A boxed Flagg bridesmaid! At first I thought she was a bride, but Robyn showed me the end of the box:

Then she pulled out some more vintage dolls:

- this lovely painted-over bisque nurse (who's managed to get off her feet for a while, and has an Australian Women's Weekly magazine from December 1941 to read (from The Miniature Supermarket), and cards to write and send (from Michelle's Miniatures (email -

- and this Grecon riding girl!

who also has her tag:

The flowers in the vase are made by The Designing Woman, Annie Warrener-Edge, of Queensland. She had two arrangements of Australian natives in her display - the Christmas bells were slightly different, and she explained that these ones, with rounded bases, were made after she had a chance to look closely at real Christmas bells. I think they're gorgeous - I love having Christmas bells in vases at Christmas, and now I can in a mini house too!
The book of crosswords - with a pencil that really writes! is from Michelle's Miniatures.

I bought the crocheted rugs at the end of the second day from Kim's Miniatures - at half price! Now I've had a chance to look at her website, I realise that the rugs came all the way from Sweden (via New Zealand), and are made by Berit Gyllenhammar. Kim's Minis also sells miniature marquetry by Berit Gyllenhammar - amazingly detailed - you can see some in my previous post.

Kim's Minis ( also had fantastic food and baking equipment - I bought some baking trays and tins:

The wooden cupboard is from Anna-Maria. The gingerbread people and cutting boards are from Adelaide's Miniatures by Design (, and I found the Acme toaster oven on Diana Simms' stand (it's a fridge magnet, and she had a couple of others, a stove and something - but much smaller scale). This was another stand with vintage and antique dolls, though I didn't get a photo (and didn't buy any of them).

As well as the magazine, I bought some groceries from The Miniature Supermarket:

I was able to spend some time at A Sheila's Shed's stand - I've looked at her kits for 1:144 scale furniture online, and it was good to be able to see the finished items and choose which I'd like to try.

(I haven't tried any yet! There are also 3 tiny solid pieces in the photo - a sink, stove and fridge - so at least I've got some things ready to go in a house!!!)

Somewhere, I've got 3 plastic chairs from Anna-Maria - not to mention her Tomy Smaller Home!
I was sorry that there weren't more vintage and antique dolls houses and furnishings - in previous years, Anna-Maria has photographed stalls with quite a choice. However, it gave us a sense of achievement when we did find vintage things in amongst all the new pieces!

The day before the fair started, we drove across the Blue Mountains to Sydney, and I found some lovely vintage miniatures in an antiques centre in Blackheath. I was very glad I'd bought them when I saw how little there was at the fair (although I still managed to spend a fair bit of money!) So I'll photograph the Blackheath accessories next.


  1. that all looks like quite a sucessful fair!!! :)
    Thank you so much for sharing all these is so nice to be able to have a look around!!!

    1. Thank you Anna! Yes, I think it was quite successful - I'm glad I got there this year! :-)

  2. Que gran cantidad de preciosas minaituras, enhorabuena.
    besitos ascension

  3. OMG... you won lotto! hehehe you got some great stuff.. i really love the folding fretsaw set and the kits look amazing. it really makes your finds that much more special when they are hard to find..i love the xmas bells too.. the dolls are beautiful. good stuff. xx

    1. It was certainly fun finding them! Hope you get there too next year, and we can hunt together :-) - Oh, and you can look at the antique trims yourself!

  4. Hi Rebecca, it's great to see all of your wonderful new purchases!

    1. Thanks, Rick! It was fun finding them. (And that bed needs a mattress, so I'll have to follow your example and get busy!)

  5. Your fair purchases are great. I esoecially like the folding furniture!

    1. Thanks! You got some lovely flowers too - I don't remember if I saw them on the stand I got mine from, or another - there were several with lovely flowers, very tempting. I really like your potatoes - I hope my sister will take a photo of the potatoes she bought from Kim's Minis too! :-)

  6. Always exciting to get new "toys"! Good haul! Flo
