
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Davidia Williams' Lempicka Studio Apartment, Paris ca 1930

I showed one photo of this house in my first post about the fair. It's such an amazing creation that it needs a post of its own to appreciate it, so here it is!

It's not exactly what most people would think of as a "studio apartment" these days - it has 3 storeys plus a penthouse studio and rooftop garden! It's built from the Dolls House Emporium Malibu Beach House kit.

Here is Tamara de Lempicka's story, as explained by Diva:

The entry:

Living room to the left of the entry, looking in from outside:


The corner nook of the living room:

To the right of the entry, the dining room:

a card game is in progress ....

Upstairs, on the left is a well-appointed bar:

 On the right, the studio with the portrait of Madame Boucard:

Another flight of stairs:

to the bedroom on the left:

and the bathroom on the right:

Up again (I didn't manage to get a good photo of the landing and stairs here, I'm sorry), to the rooftop studio:

and a rooftop garden where you can relax with a drink:


You can see the two dolls houses Davidia exhibited at last year's fair in my post here. I didn't get to the fair in 2011, but Anna-Maria (The Shopping Sherpa) posted about Davidia's wonderful recreation of the 1950s Rose Seidler House on her blog. 


  1. Hello Rebecca,
    Terrific pictures! Tamara is one of my favourite artists and this house really captures the look and feel of the time. It actually looks like some pictures of her appartment I have seen.
    Big hug,

    1. Hi Giac, Oh, that's great! Davidia does lots of research - she had a photo of part of the studio and a book about Tamara there on the display, but I have to admit I didn't look at them closely. I'm happy that you, who can appreciate it more than I can, have been able to enjoy this creation this way!

    2. Hi Rebecca, I am interested in knowing if these models are for sale or just exhibition. The Lempickas studio in particular.

    3. Hi, the models were exhibited at a dolls house fair in May this year. I don't know who made the models in my other post about the exhibition, but this model of the Lempicka Studio Apartment was made by a collector who doesn't sell her creations.

  2. Amazing, I love this period.

    1. Hi Diane, I'm glad you enjoyed it - maybe it will inspire you to create something similar yourself!

  3. I've finally managed to get a Malibu, been trying to get one for ages and one finally came up for sale near me.
