
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sydney Miniatures and Dolls' House Fair 2013

I was able to go to the fair on both days again this year.

On the first day, I said hi to Anna-Maria (The Shopping Sherpa), and she took photos of me in my dolls house T-shirt made for me by my sister:

"Rebecca's Collections" on the front, with a photo of a mini me in a mini dolls house room/study. (I think I must have been saying something to Anna-Maria!)

And on the back, Dolls Houses Past and Present, of which I am the site owner and magazine editor:

On the left of my T-shirt is a Walther & Stevenson farm house, ca 1930s, and on the right a Blue-Box plastic kitchen. You can see The Shopping Sherpa's amazingly colourful stall behind me!

I wandered over to look at the exhibits, and was taken with this dolls house, made by 9 year old Ella Fraser:

Yes, that's a bucket. She writes:

I really love the book The Borrowers and this miniature house is inspired by it. My little people live in a forgotten bucket in the back of a laundry cupboard. No-one knows they are there. Their home is full of old things and packaging that humans have thrown away, but they don't give back so that is why I called them The Takers. But they are good because they recycle everything.

A closer look:

A little further on I noticed this striking roombox:

A Milly-Molly-Mandy room, set between two volumes of Milly-Molly-Mandy stories! Nearby was a group of people, and I recognised the name tag of one of them: Margaret Webster from Tamworth, who had sent photos of her mystery dolls house to Dolls Houses Past and Present a couple of years ago! I was delighted to meet her, and it turned out that she had made the Milly-Molly-Mandy room!

To one side is the entry, with wellies, scarves and overcoats. On the other side is a scullery:

Milly-Molly-Mandy, in her pink and white striped dress, stands by her grandmother near the range.

Just near Margaret's roombox was another one in book form:

The clock face swings open to show:

a long corridor through a library, which opens to show:

A young man sitting at a desk, by shelves of old, leather-covered books - but on the wall in front of him are ... posters - of Bob Dylan! I think Margaret said that the creator of this room was also from Tamworth. I would have liked to hear more about it.
[EDIT: I was asked to remove the photos of this creation, so I will leave the description for your imagination ...]

Another striking exhibit:

Davidia Williams' new creation! This deserves a post of its own, so I'll show that, and my buys from the fair, in the next couple of posts.


  1. Hi Rebecca. Fabulous T-shirt. Thanks for sharing some exhibits from the Sydney Miniatures Fair. Hopefully I'll get over to the fair at some stage in the future.

    1. Thanks, Sharee! I hope you will too - it would be terrific to meet you!

  2. I love being able to visit the fairs I can't attend via blog... Thank you ! And you went, did it... and got the tee-shirt ! :0)

    1. So do I, Ysé! Ha ha - slightly different order from usual with the T-shirt!! ;-)

  3. great to see you and that great t-shirt!!!! :) and read all your impressions! thank you!

    1. Hi Anna, thank you! I love the t-shirt!! I don't have many occasions to wear it, though!

  4. the bucket house by Ella Fraser and the Milly-Molly-Mandy room by Margaret Webster are my favourites, but the book one is very intriguing too - is the young man a glam rock musician?

    1. I would love to know! Perhaps it's just meant to stimulate ideas and questions?
