
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Season's Greetings!

The second half of last year seemed to go by so quickly .... I have new dolls houses, furniture sets and dolls I intended to blog about, but somehow didn't find the time. Now I'm on holiday, staying with my sister in Bathurst, and I hope while I'm here to show some of my new dolls houses I had sent to this address, rather than all the way to Darwin.

First, though, I'd like to share photos of a wonderful gingerbread Christmas Village I saw at Adelaide Airport, on my way from Darwin to Sydney.

Isn't it wonderful? All the buildings are made of gingerbread, the snow and trees are made of icing, and the characters are icing or marzipan.

I don't know why I didn't photograph the sign at the front fully - all I can read is 'Welcome to our Gingerbread Village. Fun Facts.'

As it was in an airport, there are planes as well as railway tracks and chair lifts .... and despite all the snow, it looks as if the pond is not completely frozen!

I overheard a small boy saying to his mother, "Look! There are minions!" I was impressed that he knew the word - but my sister tells me that there is a movie with characters called minions, and indeed that's what those yellow creatures are .... there are probably other characters from recent kids' movies and TV shows that I don't recognise either.

The village has a school - and of course, Santa's Toy Factory!

The other side of the village - the sign here says who made this display:

Students and staff from TAFE SA. For those outside Australia, TAFE stands for 'Technical and Further Education', and it's a country-wide institution that offers vocational training in many areas, as well as high school courses for those who didn't finish school, and many other courses. Its funding is being cut by governments at the moment - I thought that this display, as well as giving enjoyment to passengers travelling through Adelaide airport, might be aiming to make the work of TAFE more visible, and gain public support.

Aren't the roof decorations pretty?

One of the trains runs into the tunnel through the mountain ...

The other enters the mountain in the other direction, on the lower track.

The top one has come out the other side - it's carrying lollies (sweets, candy ...)

The other train has lots of animal passengers.

I expect that the village has been taken down by now, as it's after Christmas and New Year (and would seem rather surreal to see this, when there are now bushfires destroying properties in the hills surrounding Adelaide). I wonder what happened to all the gingerbread houses and sugar characters - perhaps the students and staff took them home, or perhaps they were given away?

I hope you've enjoyed a peaceful, happy and healthy festive season - or survived it, if it's a difficult time of year for you. I hope you stay safe in this new year, wherever you are!


  1. What a clever idea to display at the airport. Happy New Year! CM

  2. Wow.. Great display.. I would love to do this (on a smaller scale) the kids would love it and they could eat it.. Xx

    1. We made a gingerbread house once when we were kids. We had it for ages - the gingerbread was (or became) really hard, and the icing that joined the pieces too, so it was quite a job gnawing away at it! Your family is bigger, though, so expect more would go much more quickly! It would be great fun to decorate :-)

  3. Gingerbread houses always make me smile! That's an awesome display. Look forward to your posts.

  4. The combination of toy trains and gingerbread houses is irresistible! I hope TAFE gets more attention and funding, since it sounds like a big source of skilled tradespeople, and those are usually very much needed to keep things running.

  5. I like so much about this - the train, the tunnel, using A-framed houses on the mountain. What a wonderful display. It gives me some ideas for my village.

  6. Wow, what an amazing display of gingerbread houses. We made one for the first time this Christmas - actually it was a week after Christmas day when we finally iced and assembled it (the pieces were made on 31 Dec, the icing on 1 Jan). The smell of gingerbread every time I walk into our dining room is pretty strong, we will start nibbling it soon (though I will photograph and blog about it first). Happy New Year.

  7. I've just blogged about the gingerbread house we made - see

  8. Such a pretty display! I couldn't help but wonder if it tasted as good as it looked! How did everyone control themselves from sneaking a taste! :-D
