
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A fancy dress party

To celebrate the end of a school year, the children are having a fancy dress party. Everyone has come dressed up, including the adults!

In one room, there is a game of pass-the-parcel. An older boy, dressed as a sailor, provides the music on his accordion. He stands in the doorway between classrooms, so that the children in the other room can hear the music too.

In the other room, there's a game of musical chairs.

What is a lamb doing, playing musical chairs?

Oh! It's Mary, and everywhere that Mary goes, the lamb goes too.

Back in the other room, the first and second layers of paper have come off the parcel, and around it goes ...

Oh dear! Clown's big feet have tripped up on the lamb's lead! Who will be able to get up first and join in again?

Mary is more concerned about her lamb, so clown is still in the game.
That little bride looks very determined, doesn't she?

It's fun ripping paper off the parcel, and everyone is getting a turn ...

Only five children are left playing musical chairs .... Woops, one little girl sat down on the floor, instead of a seat! Four left now ....

The parcel is getting smaller, but still there are more layers ... Who will find the last layer?

Only two chairs left ..... around they go, and then Mr Tim takes away one chair. Now only one is left - who will sit down first when the music stops, the bride or Little Red Riding Hood?

We've reached the final layer of paper in the parcel, and the chimney sweep unwraps it - it's a mouth organ! He is very happy.

And the game of musical chairs has ended too, with Red Riding Hood getting to the chair first!

Phew! Time for the children who played Musical Chairs to play something quieter - they go into the other room, for a game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey.

Mrs Thomas (dressed as a queen) gives each child a tail, and then a mother dressed as a maid ties on the blindfold ... and takes it off again, so they can see how they did ..

Oh dear! That tail is at the right height, but it's not really on the donkey, is it?

Sally the painter gets her tail closer ...

Clown makes the children laugh - his tail is right in the middle of the donkey's belly!

So Sally is the winner - her prize is a tiny, bouncy rubber ball.

In the other room, the children have been playing Blind Man's Bluff:

Then it's time for judging the best fancy dress costumes.

The couples join up, and the children who brought accessories for their costumes pick them up again. Mary, of course, has had her lamb with her all evening!

There are prizes for the couple with the best costumes, the best occupational costume, the best folk costume, the best fairy tale character, the best nursery rhyme character, the best historical costume, the boy with the best costume, the girl with the best costume, the scariest costume, the sweetest costume, and the funniest costume.

Who do you think should win each prize?

Are there any categories I've forgotten?


  1. ... your Erna Meyer collection has grown, I realize. I am looking forward to a group photo of all 50s, all 60s etc. dolls - should do that myself, too, every other year, I suppose...
    Wonderful story woven around the different clothes the dolls wear, one should put the photos in a children's book ...

  2. What a wonderful collection of Erna Meyer dolls! I love this Christmas party with the games and traditions of my childhood and the picture of our young and beautiful Queen on the wall. I will have to come back to let you know my picks for costume winners. No time now.
    Merry Christmas
    Hugs, Susan

  3. Oh Rebecca! Waht a great post. I immediately called my daughter to show it to my little assistant! Can not wait to hear her response. It is all so cute! The lamb, the brideezilla, the games! Fills me with cheer! C

  4. What a great party, thank you for letting me join in, I had so much fun! I love how you decorated the rooms with ballons and lanterns.
    I've never seen so many wonderful costumes in one place, so it was hard to choose the winners, I made a list to be sure I didn't forget anyone.
    I think the bride and groom must win the best couple prize, and the sailor had in my opinion the best occupational costume since he played the accordion too, but I really liked Sally the painter as well. My favourite folk costume is the arctic girl in blue, red and white. The best fairy tale character I think is Red Riding Hood and Mary with her lamb must be the best nursery rhyme character. The best historical costume is in my opinion the blue boy and perhaps Sally the painter can win the best costume for the girls since she didn't win the best accupational character. I like the clown best of the boys, and thought he also had the funniest costume. I didn't think any of the costumes were very scary but there were so many sweet little girls at the party I can't decide who should win that award.
    Thanks again for arranging this party, I guess the preparations must have taken quite some time!

  5. Thank you, diepuppenstubensammlerin! I have not bought Erna Meyer dolls in quite a while, actually. I have had most of these for a couple of years, but they live in a box, not a house - all the more reason to hold a party for them!
    Hmm, I will think about group photos when I get back to Darwin. I'm not always sure which dolls are 50s and which 60s, though - and the ads you have found seem to suggest that some were made over a long period.

  6. Thank you, Susan! Yes, these are some of the games I played as a child - and we had pictures of the Queen hanging on the wall at school. Nowadays you don't see her portrait so much except in courts and parliaments (and it's on all the coins, of course).
    The winners will be announced and the prizes given out when I am back in Darwin, so I hope you will have time before or after your trip to pick winners in some categories!

  7. Thanks, CM - I look forward to hearing your little assistant's opinions :-) And Bridezilla, yes, you're right, she is, isn't she! - a very early one.

  8. Helene, thank you for taking the time to vote on all the categories! I was finding it hard to decide myself - though I agree, as no-one came as a ghost or vampire, the scary category will probably not find a winner this year ;-)
    It did take quite a while to organise this party - I have been planning it since much earlier in the year, when Florine and Nicola also had parties (not to mention Karl Edo's). I intended to put up streamers, but in the end decided to go with just a few decorations - easier to move the dolls around! I'm so glad you enjoyed it, and joined in, thank you :-))

  9. Like the Puppenstubensammlerin i would like a book from your cuuuute story!! All the Erna Meyer dolls are so special and you took so many lovely pictures! I would love Rotkäppchen for the best fairy tale character because i love the little red so much!

    Frohe Weihnachten für dich und deine Familie, liebe Rebecca!! *Nicola

  10. I just love the hats and the outfits. I think they should all get a prize for being so cute. Hope your Christmas is filled with more tiny treasures then you know what to do with.

  11. They're wonderful! I think they all deserve a prize!

  12. What a great story to show us your wonderful collection of Ermey dollies! And thanks for bringing back memories of not only the end of term parties I helped with at my children's school, but memories of my own school parties so many many years ago!
    Good luck selecting winners for the different categories....I love them all!
