
Friday, December 24, 2010

Mrs Santa delivers

Santa is so busy delivering presents all around the world - of course, Mrs Santa also goes out on delivery runs.

I hope Santa and Mrs Santa bring wonderful gifts for you this Christmas!


  1. Mrs. Claus has her hands full with that huge gift! Have a wonderful Christmas Rebecca!

  2. Mrs. Santa is a such beautiful doll. Have a very Merry Christmas Rebecca. All the best to you!

  3. So nice of Mrs Santa to help her busy husband! I wonder if it was her that left the bag with presents on our doorstep without ringing the doorbell as her husband usually does! But Bendik found the presents just the same when he went out to put the paper trash from the other presents in the bin.
    Merry Christmas Rebecca!

  4. Phewf! This Mrs. Santa is putting up her heels and taking a tour through blogland to relax! Love your Mrs. Claus doll! And here's to the best of New Years. Only 365 days to next Christmas!!!! C

  5. Woops! That last comment was from Myrealitty. I was using my daughter's laptop and hadn't noticed I had signed in under her name! Well happy New Year to you. C

  6. Hi Rick and Amy and Helene and CM!

    Yes, I wonder what was in that huge box? A dolls house, maybe, or a train set?

    I will pass on your compliments, Amy! All the best to you too :-)

    Helene, quite possibly it was Mrs Santa who delivered a bag of presents without ringing the bell! Maybe she isn't as experienced as her husband, or maybe she wanted them to be a big surprise. I hope you all got some wonderful presents :-)

    CM, please don't mention it! I didn't finish this year's Christmas shopping until about 2 days beforehand .... Hope you had a relaxing Boxing Day! Happy New Year to you too :-)

  7. A little late, but hope your Christmas was wonderful...! ( I love the doorknocker and mail slot(?)on your little house too!)
