
Saturday, April 30, 2011


Mum died early in the morning on Wednesday 27th April. These photos were taken by my sister Deborah in Mum's backyard, ten days before she died. We were able to care for Mum at home for the last 20 days of her life, with support from palliative care, the district nurses, and friends. Mum was happy to be with her two daughters, her cats (and Deborah's), and to be in her own home. We're very sad that she's gone, but very glad to have had this time together with her as a family. Now we're remembering her life as we prepare the eulogy and a slideshow of photos for her funeral.
Many thanks to those of you who have offered your support on my previous post, and your sympathy following Mum's death through facebook or DHPP. It's a great help.


  1. the fotos are so wonderfull, I love especially the first one. there is a beauty in the faces of persons who die, very good you captured it.
    there is a beauty in deep sadness too, I'm very glad you had and of course will have so much help. I admire your way to be open with this and to share it with your online friends.
    I'm sure your mother will have a good funeral too and that she looks with proud and love to you all.
    many many thanks for sharing. all the best for you.

  2. Hola Rebeca: Lo sentimos mucho. Desde aqui te mandamos un fuerte abrazo. Que bien que estuviera con vosotras, su casa y sus animales. Me recuerda al final de mi padre, rodeado tambien de toda la familia. Ahora seguro que os quedaran los mejores recuerdos de ella. Recibe un beso muy fuerte.

  3. My sincerest condolences to your and your sister Rebecca. What a wonderful gift you gave to your mother taking such loving care of her in her precious last days. I hope you will be sustained by these special memories and the support you and your sister will be able to give to each other.

  4. Hello Dear, I am so sorry for your loss. What a blessing to be able to help her and help yourself also. I just don't know what to write... But I do know you are strong and I respect that so much in you. Thanks for sharing too. I've been thinking about you. I will light a candle for your mum. With Love, Amy

  5. So sorry for your loss. So glad you could be with her in her last days. Many blessings!

  6. Lo siento de verdad, era una mujer muy hermosa tu mamá.
    Un abrazo

  7. How blessed your mother was to be able to end her days with those she loved most. You and your sister have given her a great gift and you will also be able to gain comfort from the time you spent together. I'll be thinking of you too.

  8. Dear Rebecca, my deepest condolences and prayers to your and your sister! I'm glad for you all that you were able to spend these last weeks together. Like Norma said, it was a wonderful last gift for your mother, but a gift that I'm sure brought much comfort for you as well!

    Beautiful pictures and to me your mother looks very content and at peace, especially in the second photo.

  9. Rebecca, I am so sorry to hear about your mother's passing. It is clear that she had peaceful final days under your collective care...the lovely pictures attest to this. I hope you take good care. Be well.

  10. Rebecca, I am so sorry to hear of your mother's passing. Memories of our mothers from our childhood are so precious, as are the memories of them in our adulthood...may they linger with you and bring you much peace. My heart grieves with yours. Love, Florine

  11. Rebecca, my heart breaks for you in your loss. I am so sorry. Take strength from the time you had with your Mom and the love you shared. My thought and prayers are with you.

  12. Rebecca,

    So sorry to read this. Losing your mum and Malcolm in one year is so sad. I'm so happy, though, that you were with her at the end. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time.

  13. My condolences, Rebecca. Your sister made beautiful photos of your mother.

  14. Dear Rebecca, I was so very sad and sorry to hear your news, Please accept my condolences. Lizzie

  15. Hi Rebecca,
    I've just discovered your blog after seeing you on mine. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I only hope the collective posts of support and condolence can ease what must be a most traumatic time. The photo's you posted of her are beautiful. I'm sure she felt great comfort that she was at home, among family in her final days. God Bless

  16. I have missed this post Rebecca and found out about your mum's passing only through reading your last.

    So so sorry for your loss. I am glad that you managed to spend those last days together possibly sharing laughs . I think you both must have made your mum really happy.
