
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Mother's Love

Dear blogging friends, I just wanted to let you know that I may not be posting much over the next month or so, or commenting much on your blogs. My mother has been diagnosed with cancer of the liver, and I am going to be with her for the last phase of her life. My sister is already with her.
It's been quite a shock, although Mum had lost much appetite and a lot of weight over the last year. She had already had major changes after this photo was taken, nearly 10 years ago, as she had a heart attack and stroke 5 years ago, and has suffered vascular dementia since. She is philosophical, and will be happy to spend the time she has left with her daughters, reading good books, and going for drives. It's autumn in Australia (or at least the part she lives in), so I hope there will be some lovely trees to see.
I'll still be dropping in to your blogs and enjoying your company when I get the chance - and perhaps posting a bit too, I'll just see how it goes.


  1. Dear Rebecca, I am saddened by your news. It is good though to hear that you will be spending quality time with your mum. My prayers and thoughts are with you.

  2. Querida Rebecca: Animo y llena a tu madre de todo el cariño y dignidad que se merece.


  3. Oh, Rebecca, I am so very sorry to hear this news. I am glad to hear that you will have some good time with her and your sister. I will be thinking of you, and please let me know if I can do anything from afar. Take care.

  4. Blogging might bring people who don;t know each other in real life a little bit closer. I was very moved by your post and just feel like sending you Greetings and best wishes for strength, patience, love and being able to make the most of the time left with your mother. I have been through this experience some years ago. It is a very hard time but also beautiful! My heart goes out to you, God bless you!

  5. Hi Rebecca. Am so sorry to hear your sad news. My thoughts are very much with you. Try and stay strong and take each day as it comes. Celia

  6. I am so sorry to hear this, Rebecca. It is so nice that you will be able to spend time with your mother and enjoy her company and hear her stories again. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Here's a big hug for you and your mom.


  7. Such sad news Rebecca, I'm glad at least that you will be able to spend precious time together and hopefully take some comfort from each other. My thoughts are with you.

  8. Rebecca, I'm so saddened to hear the news about your Mother. My best to you and your family. Rick

  9. I'm sending you lots of strength. Enjoy the time with your family.

  10. my thoughts are with you and deb and your mum.. have some special family times and take a little time for yourself.. lots of love xxx

  11. Rebecca, I'm so sorry about your mom. She sounds like a strong woman with a great attitude about this phase of her life. Glad you and your sister will get to spend some peaceful quality time with her. xo Julie

  12. Oh, Rebecca i´m so very sorry for you and your mum and your family... and i really feel with you! So good to know you will be with her! I wish you the power to handle it and i´ll think of you often!!

    Hugs, Nicola

  13. Everybody is thinking of you, Rebecca. Everybody.
    Wishing much peace for you and your family.

  14. Hi Rebecca, it's sad to let go people we love, but what a gift to know about this and to spent the time conciously. My thoughts and good wishes are with you.

  15. Thank you all very much for your care and support and good wishes. It's good to be with Mum and my sister. Mum is now home from hospital, and happy to be with her daughters, her cats, and have friends visit. She is weak, and not able to drink much, but isn't feeling much pain. I'm very glad to be here, and very moved when her friends tell me what she has meant to them. Thanks again - now I'll go and drop in on your blogs :-)

  16. Peace and may God be with you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers daily. Enjoy all the precious moments.

  17. So sad to hear about your mum Rebecca, but so good you are able to spend these precious last moments together! My thoughts and best wishes goes to you both!

  18. Dear Rebecca, I've not been reading blogs myself much recently because of house refurbishment (of the large kind) and this is the first day I've popped in to check my favourite blogs. I'm so sorry about your mother's health, it is a terrible diagnosis, and you and your sister will treasure these days with her, though I hope she doesn't suffer.
    Best wishes and prayers from DollMum

  19. Dear Rebecca...I am so sorry to hear of your Mom's illness. You are certainly doing the right thing and spending the time while you can. I lost my Mom when I was 15 and I miss her more each year that I age. I have also been "off" my blog site for awhile---getting some new knees etc.--- and it is nice to pop on and see some old friends again. Enjoy your moments as you can. God Bless. Louise at Grandma's Attic
