Friday, August 2, 2013

Who made it? #2

Here are some more of my boxed sets.

I have three - a dining room:

A bedroom:

And a music room or parlour:

They don't come with room settings, as the Fairylite and Spot-On sets did. I'll show the boxes in my next post - meanwhile, can you guess who made them?


  1. Hi Rebecca!
    The furniture is made by Jean Höfler/Germany. There should be marks on the back which say "Made in Germany"

    Greetings from Germany, Lilli

  2. Hi Lilli! A good guess :-) I'll show the boxes in my next post - and by the way, there are no markings on the backs!

  3. I wouldn't have known who made them, but I really like these sets.

  4. Are they Hong-Kong copies of JEAN (Germany) ?
